Nauru is for Nauru: Nauru’s democratic legacy and the Borda Dowdall Count, Published by UNDP, 2024.
Fly Further Together: 100 years of Kōwhai, Kōwhai Intermediate School, 2022.
From ATI to AUT: Personal reflections on the journey to a university, Dr John Hinchcliff CNZM, emeritus vice chancellor AUT. Editing in development. 2022.
We are therefore I am, Biography of vice chancellor Dr John Hinchcliff. Writer. AUT University, 2004.
Not just passing through: the making of Mt Roskill. Writer. Auckland City Council, 2007 and reprinted 2013.
The Ant and the Ferrari: Lifting the hood on truth, society and the universe. Dr Kerry Spackman. Editing-in-development. Random House 2012.
Love of the Game: 100 years of Auckland Netball. Writer. Auckland Netball, 2011.
No Job Too Big: A history of Fletcher Construction Vol. 1 1909-1940. Jack Smith. Editor. Steele Roberts, 2009.
West: The History of Waitakere. Contributor. Random House, 2009.
Waitakere Ranges: Nature History Culture. Contributor. Waitakere Ranges Protection Society, 2006.
Kaitiaki o te Putea: The History of the ASB Community Trust 1988-2008, Writer. ASBCT, 2008.
Through Service, Light: The history of the Wellington Braille Club. Contributor. Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind, 2004.

My feature writing has also been published in the South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), the NZ Listener, Sunday Star Times, NZ Herald, Next Magazine, Ingenio and Fringe Magazine.
Short stories and radio drama
I first went to Rosie’s home for four hours each week. She had been diagnosed with motor neurone disease….
Read In memory of Rosie
"I remember the day the diagnosis was finally made," says Nic. "I was standing in the hospital corridor. Mum had been admitted for a fall that broke her wrist. Suddenly the words 'motor neurone disease' made sense of this weird array of symptoms…”
Read Setting a small bird free
There’s something deeply sociable about living with a wine that’s fermenting…
Read Crouching plum hidden banana (radio script)
My family’s story is interlaced with war. Between love and hate, it’s hard to declare the winner. Our war played itself out in a backyard swimming pool. It led me to a village in Vietnam…